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LMS Configuration Options
LMS Configuration Options
There are a variety of configuration options that are available in the Syntrio LMS E10. Some of these are hidden from the panel and must be instituted by Syntrio Client Services, while some are available to you as System Administrator.
Flag Configurations
NOTE: Flag configurations are hidden from client view, and are instituted by Syntrio Client Services, in consultation with you as the client. Upon review, please contact Client Services.

Here is a listing of each Configurable Flag, and what it turns on or off:
- Show Remember Me This is an option that allows each, to remember the login/password information in the browser so that the user doesn’t have to log in.
- Show Register – Self-register option for site
- Email ID required? Does the organization require email for the site?
- Set password format validation? Require a complex password
- Allow manual entry of new users by administrators? Should user admins in the organization be able to add new users? If there is a master file sent regularly, then the usual answer would be no.
- Allow manual entry to edit users by administrators? Should user admins in the organization be able to add edit existing users? If there is a master file sent regularly, then the usual answer would be no.
- Allow User Update of Login ID? Should an organization allow users to update their own login ID? For the vast majority of organizations, the answer is no.
- Allow students Self Update of Passwords? For most sites, this will be turned to Yes.
- Allow students Self Update of Email? For sites that update users via update file, this would be no.
- Restrict Deletion of courses to Syntrio? Deleting actual courses, is a powerful feature, even with an ‘are you sure?” check. One course can be associated with thousands of completion records. In this case, it can be good safety practice, to not allow anyone but a Syntrio client service representative to delete a course with training history, as this guarantees review of the course history.
- Display Calendar Search Filter – Depending on the number of courses in the LMS catalog, the organization may decide to display all courses automatically or have a filter prior to displaying courses. The more courses in the catalog, the more useful it is to have a filter prior to showing a course catalog.
- Allow creation of manager assignment jobs. For a small subset of organizations with a non-traditional flow of approvals, this feature may be useful, in order to route approval requests to the correct person. Usually turned off.
- Allow creation of Training Assignment jobs. A VERY useful feature, for any organization, especially with a lot of turnovers. This allows any curriculum that should be assigned to incoming users, to be done automatically. Usually turned on.
- Allow Self-Service Access to Certificates. Allows users to print their own certificates from their transcript. In the vast majority of cases, this is turned on.
- Allow Manual Emails. Very useful feature, which allows administrators and managers to email users directly from the LMS. Usually on.
- Allow Login Informational Emails. A useful feature that will send an initial notice of the site, from the LMS. Useful, if the Syntrio mail domain has been whitelisted, in an organization.
- Use Senders email address, as the ‘from’ address for manual emails. Because of issues with junk mail, this is a useful feature, only if the organization, has whitelisted the Syntrio main domain. Even then, sometimes from home, emails are routed to junk, because the user domain isn’t reflected by the domain (Syntrio) sending the email, even though the email is sent by an organization employee. Usually off, unless whitelisted, with extensive email testing.
- Enable Calendar integration. For classes, allows users to download and integrate an ICS file, which will give information for enrollment for that user, into that user calendar. Almost always this is on.
- Include Calendar Sync in the email. The same feature as above, but the ICS file with the time and date of enrollment, is also sent in email. Almost always on.
- Make training evaluation responses anonymous. Usually always on, for more accurate feedback for course evaluations.
- Initial password change – almost always on.
- Allow to Edit Time Zone. Usually on for administrators.
- Class Coordinator role. Usually on, for classes where often an instructor, is not the one coordinating enrollment for a particular class.
- Update UserID by import. This is making sure the Login ID is updated. For organizations with employees sending an ongoing user file, is always on.
- Update UserPwd by import. Usually off, as users are expected to have unique passwords.
- Update email by Import. Usually on in organizations. Meant more for the self-register site.
- Enable Multi-Population Import. If there are different user populations, multiple student import files may be needed. Then this feature can be used. (Usually unneeded.)
- Show User Grid Records by default. When viewing users, display all users initially.
- Show Catalog Grid Records by default. When viewing the course catalog, display all courses initially.
- Show Catalog Grid filter expanded. Show the search options for catalog search.
Label Configurations
Label Configurations are the personally identifying information, for each user. The label can be changed, to have more meaning for a site or organization.
At a minimum, this includes Unique ID, Login ID, Password, Email.
While not often used, the other labels can be changed for any necessary personal information that is necessary to capture, for training purposes. The full list:
- Unique ID
- User ID
- Password
- Address
- City
- State
- Country
- Zip
Welcome Text
This is the field where users can create the front-page message for the site, using a robust page creation editor.
Syntrio Learning Management System Onboarding
How to Access Your Outstanding Assignment to Launch Course
Updating the Front Page Message and Site Customization (Themes, Announcements)
Viewing the evaluations for a course, in the LMS
How to Print Multiple Certificates for a Course
How to Upload Documents to LMS, and then get the URL link to that document
How To Add A Course To The LMS
How To Access And Print A Certificate
How To Send A General Email from the LMS
How to Search and Update Records
How to Edit Course Data – Name, Code, Score, Description
How to manually provide a Completion Record for an online course
How to View or Delete A Training Record, or Training Plan Record for an Individual
Effective Reporting on LMS: Activity and No Activity
What is the best size for the logo for my site?
Direct Link to Course Launch, Upon Login
Reporting in LMS E10, an introduction
If emails are within the LMS, in an inbox, are they also sent to my email?
Checklist before launching the site
How can I set and view the different emails that come from the LMS?
What size can the announcements widget work with?
How can I tell in the LMS, what books or lending library items are checked out?
How do I find the administrator Guide or manual for Syntrio LMS E10?
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