NEW Training Course Releases and Updates
Seven libraries of training and awareness content to help organizations create a culture of performance and compliance.
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*New law in California mandates Workplace Violence Prevention Training for nearly every employee by July 1, 2024.
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NEW Pregnant Workers Fairness Act new course
December 17, 2024
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act – sefs396
Learn the obligations under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act with Mitratech’s compliance training solutions.
Through an interactive process, learners will better understand how employees and applicants might qualify for accommodations under PWFA and the different ways your organization can respond to requests for accommodations. Schedule your demo today

Workplace Violence Prevention in California
March 28th, 2024
Workplace Violence Prevention in California | Foundation – sefs374
Violence in the workplace is a serious concern. Mitigating it is important to our organization. This course defines and provides examples of workplace violence. It details warning signs for four common types and positive and safe bystander intervention and de-escalation techniques. It describes the components of a workplace violence prevention plan.
These courses are all now available except for the hospitality version (at the bottom of the chart), which we hope to have available today or early next week.
“These courses are available in English and Latin American Spanish and for these industries:
office, industrial, retail, and hospitality.”
Workplace Violence Prevention in California-English | sefs374 |
Workplace Violence Prevention in California-Spanish | sefs374_es_la |
Workplace Violence Prevention in California-Industrial/English | in_sefs374 |
Workplace Violence Prevention in California-Industrial/Spanish | in_sefs374_es_la |
Workplace Violence Prevention in California-Retail/English | re_sefs374 |
Workplace Violence Prevention in California-Retail/ Spanish | re_sefs374_es_la |
Workplace Violence Prevention in California-Hospitality/English | ho_sefs374 |
Workplace Violence Prevention in California-Hospitality/Spanish | ho_sefs374_es_la |

Cybersecurity Basics
April 23rd, 2024
Cybersecurity Basics | Foundation – sifg380
With growing threats to electronic systems and programs, networks and servers, computers, mobile devices, and data, it is imperative that employees understand and use best security practices. This training describes common attack methods and provides recommendations to thwart them. It defines how to protect data, including while working away from our facilities.

Reasonable Accommodations
April 23rd, 2024
Reasonable Accommodations | Foundation – sefs383
U.S. employers must reasonably accommodate qualified applicants and employees whose sincerely held religious beliefs, practices, or observances might conflict with work requirements. Employers must make reasonable accommodations for the physical and mental impairments of applicants and employees. Some state and local laws require accommodations for other groups. Reasonable accommodations must be made unless doing so presents an undue hardship to the organization. This training provides information about and examples of disabilities, accommodations, qualified individuals, and essential job functions.

Reasonable Accommodations and Government Contractors
March 7th, 2024
Reasonable Accommodations and Government Contractors | Foundation – sefs381
U.S. Government contractors must reasonably accommodate qualified applicants and employees whose sincerely held religious beliefs, practices, or observances might conflict with work requirements. Contractors must make reasonable accommodations for the physical and mental impairments of applicants and employees. Some state and local laws require accommodations for other groups. Reasonable accommodations must be made unless doing so presents an undue hardship to the organization. This training provides examples of disabilities, accommodations, qualified individuals, and essential job functions.

Persuasive Speaking Series
February 22nd, 2024
Persuasive Speaking | Foundation – sbfg351
This training explores important elements for engaging, persuading, or motivating an audience. Speaking persuasively is easier and more effective if you understand the purpose of your presentation, the goals you are trying to reach through it, and the goals of the audience. In this course, you will learn how to craft a talk that communicates your message by coupling your words with gestures, inflection, and visuals to make them more effective.

Preparing for Persuasive Speaking | Focus – sblg351a
This training describes how to prepare for persuasive speaking by determining your talk’s scope, purpose, and format. You must also understand your audience’s demographics, goals, and motivations to tailor your presentation. You must pinpoint your message and its supporting arguments, then deliver it with authenticity to demonstrate your expertise and credibility and build rapport with the listeners.

Writing a Persuasive Presentation | Focus – sblg351b
This training explains how to apply order and structure to a persuasive talk using tried-and-true models, including Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. A strong opening, arguments supported by data, relevant anecdotes, and personal stories, a call to action, and a closing must be balanced with brevity. This training details how to increase engagement and buy-in from your audience through techniques supported by research and proven results.

Delivering a Persuasive Message | Focus – sblg351c
This training provides guidance for delivering your message with an engaging voice and gestures while maintaining good eye contact and convincing body language. It explains how to address performance anxiety and use presentation aids effectively. PowerPoint and other audio/video enhancements can amplify and clarify your message, but if poorly designed, they could confuse and distract your audience and detract from your message. You must adapt your body language and any audio/video support to your venue, so it’s important to confirm and research it early in your preparations.

Health and Safety at Work: General Workplace – Two Versions
February 14th, 2024
Health and Safety at Work: General Workplace – shfs263a
This course presents an overview of occupational safety and health issues for the general workplace, including office environments. It addresses the organization’s commitment to workplace health and safety and teaches how employees can help maintain it. This training reflects best practices outlined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Health and Safety at Work: General and Industrial Workplace – shfs263b
This course presents an overview of occupational safety and health issues for general and industrial workplaces. It teaches ways all employees can help promote your commitment to health and safety. This training reflects best practices outlined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Bystander Intervention and Sexual Harassment
January 8th, 2024
Bystander Intervention and Sexual Harassment – sefs333b
This course teaches positive actions a person or a group of people may take to prevent harm or to intervene where there is a risk or perceived risk of sexual harassment to someone. It provides guidance for safe actions that help de-escalate and deter both in-person and remote workplace sexual harassment.

Intervención de espectadores y acoso sexual – sefs333b_es_la
Este curso enseña las acciones positivas que una persona o un grupo de personas puede llevar a cabo para prevenir un daño o intervenir, algo que implica un riesgo percibido de acoso sexual a otra persona. Proporciona orientación para acciones seguras que ayudan a reducir y disuadir el acoso sexual en el centro de trabajo, tanto en persona como a distancia.

Government Contractor Code of Conduct
January 3rd, 2024
Government Contractor Code of Conduct | Foundation – scfs376
The U.S. Government and its constituents hold high expectations for government contractors and their subcontractors regarding ethics and compliance. This training overviews key responsibilities for contractors in interacting with government staff, performing on government contracts, competing in the marketplace, safeguarding sensitive information and other resources, and maintaining a responsible workplace culture. It provides an overview of ways learners can seek guidance and raise concerns to support adhering to their organization’s standards of conduct.

Bystander Intervention
December 6th, 2023
Bystander Intervention | Foundation – sefg379
This course teaches safe and positive actions an individual employee or group could take to overcome inhibitions and prevent harm or intervene where there is harassment, bullying (mobbing), or a perceived risk to others in the workplace. It equips employees with the knowledge and skills to effectively intervene in situations where someone’s safety or the organization’s values and standards are being compromised, particularly concerning the treatment of others.

Bystander Intervention | Core – secg379
This course highlights safe and positive actions an individual employee or group could take to overcome inhibitions and prevent harm or intervene where there is harassment, bullying (mobbing), or a perceived risk of harm to another in the workplace.

A Drug-Free Workplace for Government Contractors
November 21st, 2023
A Drug-Free Workplace for Government Contractors | Foundation – sefs373
Drug and alcohol abuse causes problems for employees, their coworkers, and their employer. In the case of government contractors, substance abuse disorders also present problems for the customer: the U.S. Government. Strict laws require contractors to maintain drug-free workplaces. This course provides information about the harmful effects of workplace substance abuse and ways to prevent and address it.

Government Contracting Series
October 31st, 2023
Combating Trafficking in Persons for Government Contractors – scls358d
This training explains the risks, types of trafficking, and methods used by human traffickers. It highlights some of the processes used by unscrupulous or careless businesses and recruiters. It overviews the Federal Acquisition Regulation, which prohibits involvement with trafficking specific to U.S. Government contractors, subcontractors, and their agents.

Affirmative Action Programs for Government Contractors | Foundation – sefs375
This training explains U.S. Government contractors’ and subcontractors’ affirmative action program (AAP) obligations, including equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination expectations. It introduces AAPs that these organizations need to develop pertaining to women and minorities, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans. It provides an overview of the general elements of each program and addresses the distinction between equal employment opportunity and affirmative action.

Affirmative Action Programs for Government Contractors (Overview) | Core – secs375
This training explains U.S. Government contractors’ and subcontractors’ affirmative action program (AAP) obligations, including equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination expectations. It introduces AAPs that these organizations need to develop pertaining to women and minorities, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans. It provides an overview of the general elements of each program and addresses the distinction between equal employment opportunity and affirmative action.

Data Privacy for Government Contractors | Foundation – scfs378
This training provides an overview of data privacy requirements for U.S. Government contractors and subcontractors. The Privacy Act of 1974 applies to federal government contractors who operate systems of records containing personal information. This training defines systems of records and personally identifiable information, or PII. It describes practices agencies and contractors must observe to protect systems of records and PII.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and a Healthy Workplace Series
October 27th, 2023
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and a Healthy Workplace | Foundation – sdfg372
For employees to thrive, they need a workplace that encourages open communication, teamwork, and respect for differing ideas. This training discusses strategies for fostering such a workplace by providing psychological safety and employing cultural competence to ensure well-being at work.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Psychological Safety | Foundation – sdlg372a
Psychological safety is a shared belief held by team members that the team can safely engage in interpersonal risk-taking. This training illustrates why psychological safety is critical to a healthy workplace, organizational success, and innovation, and how to create an environment of psychological safety.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competence | Foundation -_sdlg372b
This course explores culture and cultural characteristics, their intersectionality, the framework for building cultural competencies, and best practices in applying cultural competence in the workplace. The demonstration of cultural competence can lead to better engagement, retention, and sharing of strategies for success.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Well-Being | Foundation – sdlg372b
Employees’ sense of well-being in the workplace substantially affects their engagement and contributions to their work and the organization. When individuals from backgrounds that are non-traditional to an organization feel unincluded and lack a sense of belonging, they’re likely to feel alienated and detached from others and the organization. This training emphasizes strategies to promote workplace well-being.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and a Healthy Workplace | Foundation – hc_sdfg372
For employees to thrive, they need a workplace that encourages open communication, teamwork, and respect for differing ideas. This training discusses strategies for fostering such a workplace by providing psychological safety and employing cultural competence to ensure well-being at work.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Psychological Safety | Foundation – hc_sdlg372a
Psychological safety is a shared belief held by team members that the team can safely engage in interpersonal risk-taking. This training illustrates why psychological safety is critical to a healthy workplace, organizational success, and innovation, and how to create an environment of psychological safety.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competence | Foundation – hc_sdlg372b
This course explores culture and cultural characteristics, their intersectionality, the framework for building cultural competencies, and best practices in applying cultural competence in the workplace. The demonstration of cultural competence can lead to better engagement, retention, and sharing of strategies for success.

The Ethics in Patient Referrals Act (“Stark Law”)
October 23rd, 2023
The Ethics in Patient Referrals Act (“Stark Law”) | Foundation – scfs365
This training provides detail on the Ethics in Patient Referrals Act, also known as The Physician Self-Referral Law or the Stark Law, first passed in 1989 and amended since, restricts self-dealing by physicians and family members who make medical referrals to entities in which the physician has a financial interest. One intent is to reduce Medicare fraud. Through referrals, a physician could order unnecessary procedures, set rates higher than the market, or take other steps that would unjustly benefit the physician at the expense of taxpayers and patient healthcare.

The Ethics in Patient Referrals Act (“Stark Law”) | Core – sccs365
This training introduces the Ethics in Patient Referrals Act, also known as The Physician Self-Referral Law or the Stark Law, first passed in 1989 and amended since, restricts self-dealing by physicians and family members who make medical referrals to entities in which the physician has a financial interest. One intent is to reduce Medicare fraud. Through referrals, a physician could order unnecessary procedures, set rates higher than the market, or take other steps that would unjustly benefit the physician at the expense of taxpayers and patient healthcare.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Talent Series
October 13th, 2023
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Talent Management – sdfg371
A diversity of talent in the workplace benefits organizations, employees, and those they serve. Workplace equity involves fairness in pay, advancement opportunities, and daily work experiences to support all staff. Inclusion fosters a greater sense of employee belonging and, in turn, engagement and productivity. This course addresses diversity, equity, and inclusion at each stage of the employee life cycle to build a high-performing workplace inclusive of everyone.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Talent Equity – sdlg371a
Supporting employees from underrepresented or historically marginalized groups ensures they are treated equitably. This ensures these employees receive an equal opportunity to work, develop, and perform to their potential.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Talent Recruitment – sdlg371b
Ensuring that diverse staff are recruited, hired, and onboarded in a way that recognizes the unique value they can provide to the organization and ensures their background and personal characteristics are recognized and celebrated increases the potential for these employees’ success. It offers our workplace a better chance at benefitting from their potential earlier in their careers.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Talent Retention – sdlg371c
Once employees with diverse backgrounds join our workplace, it’s important to ensure that their potential is realized through fostering their development and engagement and giving recognition to promote retention and the opportunity for them to achieve their potential. Also, if they leave the organization, it can be valuable to recognize their contributions to our workplace and strengthen loyalty post-employment.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Talent Management – hc_sdfg371
A diversity of talent in the workplace benefits organizations, employees, and those they serve. Workplace equity involves fairness in pay, advancement opportunities, and daily work experiences to support all staff. Inclusion fosters a greater sense of employee belonging and, in turn, engagement and productivity. This course addresses diversity, equity, and inclusion at each stage of the employee life cycle to build a high-performing workplace inclusive of everyone.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Talent Equity – hc_sdlg371a
Supporting employees from underrepresented or historically marginalized groups ensures they are treated equitably. This ensures these employees receive an equal opportunity to work, develop, and perform to their potential.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Talent Recruitment – hc_sdlg371b
Ensuring that diverse staff are recruited, hired, and onboarded in a way that recognizes the unique value they can provide to the organization and ensures their background and personal characteristics are recognized and celebrated increases the potential for these employees’ success. It offers our workplace a better chance at benefitting from their potential earlier in their careers.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Talent Retention – hc_sdlg371c
Once employees with diverse backgrounds join our workplace, it’s important to ensure that their potential is realized through fostering their development and engagement and giving recognition to promote retention and the opportunity for them to achieve their potential. Also, if they leave the organization, it can be valuable to recognize their contributions to our workplace and strengthen loyalty post-employment.

Diversity Essentials: Veterans
August 1st, 2023
Diversity Essentials: Veterans – sdl363h
This training focuses on how including military veterans in our workplace benefits our organization. It covers tips and techniques on how to be more inclusive to veterans. It describes ways to become aware of biases we may have toward veterans that could impact our workplace. It details strategies for resolving workplace misunderstandings about coworkers’ previous military experience.

Human Trafficking Series: Global, U.S., and U.S. Government Contractor
July 5th, 2023
Human Trafficking Fundamentals (Global, Foundation) – scfg356
There are approximately 25 million people in the world who are victims of human trafficking. This training explains the risk factors, types of trafficking, and methods used by traffickers. It appraises the methods used by unscrupulous or careless businesses and recruiters, and global laws initiatives to prevent trafficking. The prevalence of trafficking in all industries is greater than most people realize, although it is more common in some. By knowing the warning signs, businesses can guard against involvement with this crime.

Human Trafficking: Introduction (Global, Focus) – sclg356a
There are approximately 25 million people in the world who are victims of human trafficking. This training explains the risk factors, types of trafficking, and methods used by traffickers. It details the consequences for victims and society and provides an overview of global standards of business conduct.

Human Trafficking: The Business Context (Global, Focus) – sclg356b
By understanding how and when a business may unknowingly associate with human trafficking in its operations or through its business partners, it can take steps to prevent involvement. This training cites the warning signs of labor and sex trafficking and how to report suspected trafficking.

Human Trafficking: The Supply Chain (Global, Focus) – sclg356c
The prevalence of trafficking in all industries is greater than most people realize, although it is more common in some. This training appraises the methods used by unscrupulous or careless businesses and recruiters and indicates warning signs and steps businesses can take to avoid association with human trafficking.

Human Trafficking Fundamentals (US, Foundation) – scfs357
This training addresses the surprisingly high rates of human trafficking around the world and that affect practically every industry. It explains types of trafficking, techniques traffickers use against victims and global laws and initiatives designed to prevent and stop trafficking. It reviews the risks businesses face regarding human trafficking, practices used by unscrupulous or careless businesses and their recruiters that enable trafficking, and ways businesses and their employees can work to prevent and stop trafficking. The training covers the risks to human trafficking in a business’s supply chain and efforts it can take to prevent this trafficking, such as by evaluating suppliers and the supply chain for risks to human trafficking and taking responsible action. This version covers US laws and other available resources designed to prevent human trafficking.

Human Trafficking: Introduction (US, Focus) – scls357a
This training addresses the surprisingly high rates of human trafficking around the world and that affect practically every industry. It explains types of trafficking, techniques traffickers use against victims and global laws and initiatives designed to prevent and stop trafficking. This version covers US laws and other available resources designed to prevent human trafficking.

Human Trafficking: The Business Context (US, Focus) – scls357b
This training addresses the surprisingly high rates of human trafficking around the world, which affect practically every industry. It explains types of trafficking, techniques traffickers use against victims, and global laws and initiatives designed to prevent and stop trafficking. This version covers US laws and other available resources designed to prevent human trafficking.

Human Trafficking: The Supply Chain (US, Focus) – scls357c
This training reviews the risks businesses face regarding human trafficking, practices used by unscrupulous or careless businesses and their recruiters that enable trafficking, and ways businesses and their employees can work to prevent and stop trafficking. This version covers US laws and other available resources designed to prevent human trafficking.

U.S. Government Contractor
Human Trafficking Fundamentals (US Government Contractor, Foundation) – scfs358
This training addresses the surprisingly high rates of human trafficking around the world and that affects practically every industry. It explains types of trafficking, techniques traffickers use against victims, and global laws and initiatives designed to prevent and stop trafficking. The training reviews the risks businesses face regarding human trafficking, practices used by unscrupulous or careless businesses and their recruiters that enable trafficking, and ways businesses and their employees can work to prevent and stop trafficking. Finally, this training covers the risks of human trafficking in a business’s supply chain and the efforts it can take to prevent this trafficking, such as by evaluating suppliers and the supply chain for risks to human trafficking and taking responsible action. This version covers US laws, US Government Contractor standards, and other available resources designed to prevent human trafficking.

Human Trafficking: Introduction (US Government Contractor, Focus) – scls358a
This training addresses the surprisingly high rates of human trafficking around the world which affect practically every industry. It explains types of trafficking, techniques traffickers use against victims, and global laws and initiatives designed to prevent and stop trafficking. This version covers US laws and other available resources designed to prevent human trafficking.

Human Trafficking: The Business Context (US Government Contractor, Focus) – scls358b
This training reviews the risks businesses face regarding human trafficking, practices used by unscrupulous or careless businesses and their recruiters that enable trafficking, and ways businesses and their employees can work to prevent and stop trafficking. This version covers US laws and US Government Contractor standards and other available resources designed to prevent human trafficking.

Human Trafficking: The Supply Chain (US Government Contractor, Focus) – scls358c
This training covers the risks to human trafficking in a business’s supply chain and efforts it can take to prevent this trafficking, such as by evaluating suppliers and the supply chain for risks to human trafficking and taking responsible action. This version covers US laws and US Government Contractor standards and other available resources designed to prevent human trafficking.

Diversity Essentials: Disability
June 19th, 2023
Diversity Essentials: Disability – sdlg363f
One out of every six people in the world has a long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairment that may hinder their participation in the workplace on an equal basis with others. This training provides strategies for identifying biases toward coworkers with disabilities and ways to overcome those biases to foster better opportunities and outcomes for all.

U. S. Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
June 12th, 2023
U.S. Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
This series builds upon the success of our popular harassment and discrimination curriculum. Recent updates provide a positive approach to workplace harassment and discrimination concerns, reinforce a healthy workplace culture around respectful conduct and address changing laws and regulations, including state training requirements and case law.

Ethics and Code of Conduct (2nd Edition)
May 4th, 2023
Ethics and Code of Conduct (2nd Edition) – scode364
An organization’s standards of conduct and other policies are essential in protecting its reputation as a fair employer and responsible citizen. But these standards of conduct only work if everyone in the organization knows, understands, and can apply them in their daily activities. This training covers essential components of the organization’s business practices, including an introduction to business ethics; conflicts of interest; gifts, hospitality, and entertainment; handling of non-public information; data privacy; use of business resources; maintaining a civil and respectful workplace; and the importance of speaking up about concerns.

Diversity Essentials: Religion
April 26th, 2023
Diversity Essentials: Religion – sdlg363e
Respecting others’ religious beliefs or lack of religious beliefs helps promote a workplace where all employees can feel included. This training promotes an awareness of how employees’ religious affiliations and beliefs may influence their viewpoints, attire, work schedules, and other factors. It describes ways to become aware of biases we may have that could impact our workplace. It details strategies for resolving workplace misunderstandings.

Diversity Essentials: Race and Ethnicity
April 11th, 2023
Diversity Essentials: Race and Ethnicity – sdlg363d
Race, ethnicity, and related concepts are common aspects of diversity. They can be misunderstood and used in ways that hamper our understanding and appreciation of others. A more thoughtful awareness of these concepts can help us better understand and appreciate others and their backgrounds, which, in turn, can help make our workplace more inclusive.

Anti-Money Laundering Series
March 20th, 2023
Anti-Money Laundering Essentials (Global) – sefg366
Criminals sometimes use organizations to disguise the origin of funds earned from criminal activities. This process is called money laundering. Organizations must protect themselves from becoming complicit in this illegal activity. This training addresses how organizations and individuals can become entangled in helping criminals launder funds. It reviews global efforts to prevent money laundering. Next, it addresses the importance of and ways to review potential business partners to determine their legitimacy. It includes warning signs of possible money laundering and good practices to prevent and detect such activity.

Anti-Money Laundering Essentials (US) – sefs366
Criminals sometimes use organizations to disguise the origin of funds earned from criminal activities. This process is called money laundering. Organizations must protect themselves from becoming complicit in this illegal activity. This training addresses how organizations and individuals can be entangled in helping criminals launder funds. It reviews global and US efforts to prevent money laundering. Next, it addresses the importance of and ways to review potential business partners to determine their legitimacy. It includes warning signs of possible money laundering and good practices to prevent and detect such activity.

Anti-Money Laundering Basics (Global) – secg366
This training provides an overview of how organizations and individuals could unintentionally become involved in helping criminals launder funds from illegal activities. It highlights global efforts to prevent money laundering. Next, it summarizes the importance of and ways to review potential business partners to determine their legitimacy. It includes warning signs of possible money laundering and good practices to prevent and detect such activity.

Diversity Essentials: Gender and LGBTQ+
February 22nd, 2023
Diversity Essentials: Gender – sdlg363b
This training illustrates the importance and value of gender diversity in the workplace. It provides methods to encourage teamwork and fair hiring and promotion practices regarding gender.

Diversity Essentials: LGBTQ+ – sdlg363c
A diverse workplace that includes and welcomes people who identify as LGBTQ+ is essential for our organization. This training is about creating positive work environments where everyone feels respected and involved, including members of the LGBTQ+ community. It includes strategies for increasing inclusion, equity, and belonging for LGBTQ+ coworkers and others.

Diversity Essentials: Introduction
January 5th, 2023
Diversity Essentials: Introduction – sdlg363a
This introductory module to the Diversity Essentials series focuses on how diversity benefits our organization. It addresses bias associated with first impressions of others and how to mitigate those biases. It includes tips and techniques on being more inclusive to people from various backgrounds, which can impact collaboration, building teams, navigating change, motivating, managing, and maintaining and increasing productivity.

Bystander Intervention
December 6th, 2022
Bystander Intervention and Awareness and Sexual Harassment– sefs333a
This course teaches safe and positive actions a person or a group of people may take as bystanders to prevent harm or intervene where there is a risk or perceived risk of sexual harassment to another individual.

Bystander Awareness and Intervention for Chicago – sefs333
This training for Chicago, Illinois, expands upon the requirements of a Chicago Human Rights Ordinance. It overviews the detailed research on why individuals may feel inhibited in acting when they witness improper conduct. This course teaches safe and positive actions a person or a group may take to prevent harm or intervene where there is a risk or perceived risk of sexual harassment to another.

Managing Workplace Health and Safety
November 21st, 2022 – COURSE UPDATE
Managing Workplace Health and Safety – ssfty264
This course addresses the manager’s workplace health and safety management responsibilities. These duties include training, job hazard analysis, emergencies, accident investigation, recordkeeping, and reporting, enforcement of safe work practices, promoting a safety culture, and complying with OSHA regulations, including OSHA inspections and retaliation prohibitions.

Intellectual Property Essentials
November 21st, 2022
Intellectual Property Essentials (Foundation, Global) – scfg318
For most organizations, a loss in intellectual property will cause significant and potentially irreparable harm. Employee education is critical to mitigating this risk to an organization’s intellectual property and the potential for infringing on a third party’s intellectual property rights. This training details the types of intellectual property, how an employee may come into contact with intellectual property or violate intellectual property laws, and the potential consequences for an organization and its employees.

Intellectual Property Essentials (Core, Global) – sccg318
For most organizations, a loss in intellectual property will cause significant and potentially irreparable harm. Employee education is critical to mitigating this risk to an organization’s intellectual property and the potential for infringing on a third party’s intellectual property rights. This training provides an overview of the types of intellectual property, how an employee may come into contact with intellectual property or violate intellectual property laws, and the potential consequences for an organization and its employees.

Introduction to Diversity & Inclusion (Global)
October 21st, 2022
Introduction to Workplace Diversity (Focus, Global) – sdlg348
Diversity in the workplace benefits organizations, employees, and those they serve. It involves hiring people with different characteristics and backgrounds to provide more perspectives on strategy, collaboration, the marketplace, and other essential levers of success. This course addresses how individuals can encourage greater diversity in the workplace.

Introduction to Workplace Inclusion (Focus, Global) – sdlg349
Inclusion in the workplace benefits organizations, their employees, and those they serve. Working from diversity efforts, workplace inclusion creates a true sense of belonging within the organization where all individuals feel recognized and valued. This is partly achieved by involving a broader spectrum of employees in the organization’s work and related activities and encouraging a diversity of voices. These steps ensure decisions and operations benefit from a more holistic perspective. This course addresses how individuals can promote greater inclusion.

Introduction to Workplace Diversity and Inclusion (Focus, Global) – sdlg350
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace benefit organizations, their employees, and those they serve. These efforts are essential to build and sustain a workplace culture that attracts individuals with different characteristics and backgrounds, provides them with the resources to help them fulfill their potential, and involves them in the organization’s activities so all benefit from diverse perspectives. Combined, these efforts strengthen the organization’s efforts to pursue its mission and achieve other goals. This course addresses how individuals can encourage greater diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

US Workplace Harassment (5th Ed.) – Chicago Manager and Non-Manager
October 21st, 2022
US Workplace Harassment (5th Ed.) Chicago, General Manager (Foundation Manager) – sefs340ilcm
Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in business at work, Workplace Harassment (5th Ed.) focuses on sexual and other harassing behavior. Scenario and motion graphics videos address the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and the benefits that are preventing and addressing harassment can provide. The training focuses on how individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to workplace culture. It also presents ways everyone can raise concerns or responsibly address this conduct. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that encourages respectful conduct. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish. This version is designed for managers in Chicago.

US Workplace Harassment (5th Ed.) Chicago, General Manager (Foundation Non-Manager) – sefs340ilcn
Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, Workplace Harassment (5th Ed.) focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Scenario and motion graphics videos address the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and the benefits that preventing and addressing harassment can provide. The training focuses on how individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to workplace culture. It also presents ways everyone can raise concerns or responsibly address this conduct. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in Chicago. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.

International Trade Essentials
October 20th, 2022
International Trade Essentials (Global, Foundation) – scfg312
This training introduces the essentials of international trade compliance. It presents global standards for international trade. This course includes definitions and examples of exports, imports, sanctions, embargoes, and anti-boycott rules. It outlines typical steps and considerations when importing or exporting.

International Trade Essentials (US, Foundation) – scfs312
This training provides general information about international trade. It presents global standards and the US regulatory framework. This course includes definitions and examples of exports, imports, sanctions, and embargoes. It outlines typical steps and considerations when importing or exporting.