Syntrio Customer Success Center
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How to Edit Course Data – Name, Code, Score, Description
You can edit both the course name and course code, by going to the course and editing the course information. You do this in the following manner:
- Click on Catalog|Search and Manage Catalog.
- Find the course – you may need to click the down arrow next to Modify Search Criteria, in order to get the search boxes.
- Once you have the course up, click on Course ID, and then a list of tabs at the top will appear.
- Click on the Edit tab.

- You can edit much of the information about your course here – the course code, course title, public or not, abstract, average time, etc.
- Then click the Update, at the bottom of the page.
Syntrio Learning Management System Onboarding
How to Access Your Outstanding Assignment to Launch Course
Updating the Front Page Message and Site Customization (Themes, Announcements)
Viewing the evaluations for a course, in the LMS
How to Print Multiple Certificates for a Course
How to Upload Documents to LMS, and then get the URL link to that document
How To Add A Course To The LMS
How To Access And Print A Certificate
How To Send A General Email from the LMS
How to Search and Update Records
How to Edit Course Data – Name, Code, Score, Description
How to manually provide a Completion Record for an online course
How to View or Delete A Training Record, or Training Plan Record for an Individual
Effective Reporting on LMS: Activity and No Activity
What is the best size for the logo for my site?
Direct Link to Course Launch, Upon Login
Reporting in LMS E10, an introduction
If emails are within the LMS, in an inbox, are they also sent to my email?
Checklist before launching the site
How can I set and view the different emails that come from the LMS?
What size can the announcements widget work with?
How can I tell in the LMS, what books or lending library items are checked out?
How do I find the administrator Guide or manual for Syntrio LMS E10?
Still can’t find an answer?
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