Syntrio Customer Success Center
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Finding A User
Once logged in, click on Users|Find and Update Users.
Here, by using the large search field, a search term entered there, will search on:
- Unique ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
You can also use any of the addition Filters (by clicking Add Filter), to look via a specific field.

This will bring up a list of the fields in your system – if you click on the checkbox, this will then put that field, on the main screen, to click on, and open up to search.
Sometimes a user may have been archived, because of an employee ID or username issue, or as a mistake. In this case, you should also check the same search, under Users|Search Archived Users.
Adding or Editing a user, including password
Checking the date of the Last Archive for A User
Deleting unused Organization Structures in the LMS
Granting Access to User Groups (or all users)
How can I see what roles are in the LMS? How can I add or edit roles to someone?
How To Add, Edit, or Delete An Organizational Structure
How to Archive and Delete a User
How to create another administrator account for temp assistant?
How to Restore A User to Active Status
Still can’t find an answer?
Submit a Request and we will get back to you.