Questions Government Contractor Employees Want to Ask About Drug-Free Workplaces…But Are Too Afraid To Ask
Here Are a Few Common Questions U.S. Government Contractor Employees and Their Managers Have About a Drug-Free Workplace
“Is it okay to have one beer at lunch during the workday? What about when I meet with a client for lunch or at a conference and they invite me to have a glass of wine with them? And what if my job involves a lot of driving or is otherwise a safety-sensitive position?”
“Cannabis is now legal for recreational use in my state. As a government contractor employee, can I use cannabis in the evening after work?”
“I think my coworker has a substance abuse problem. This coworker privately told me it recently caused some legal problems. Should I report this? How can I get help for my coworker?”
“I’m a manager. I think one of my employees uses drugs at work. Can I require a drug test?”
“One of the employees I supervise was arrested for possession of a small amount of an illegal drug this weekend while not at work. Do I need to report it?”
The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
This law requires U.S. Government contractors to provide drug-free workplace training to new hires as well as ongoing training to all employees. The training must cover certain topics. In addition, the Act requires contractor organizations to create and maintain a drug-free workplace policy. But how does this strict law interact with state and local laws and employees’ privacy rights and personal freedoms? If an employee receives a criminal drug conviction, what are the reporting requirements? What resources are available to help employees with substance abuse problems? What are a manager’s responsibilities?
We Have the Answers
While the Drug-Free Workplace Act may seem daunting to navigate, Syntrio makes it easy to understand what both employees and their managers should do in common scenarios they may encounter. In our course, “A Drug-Free Workplace for Government Contractors,” we help your organization train on the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act. The course presents an overview of the Act and its requirements while emphasizing how a drug-free workplace benefits everyone.
Combine this training with our other courseware for government contractors to create a comprehensive compliance program. Contact Syntrio today to learn how we can help build awareness about Drug-Free Workplace and other requirements for government contractors.