Insights into Compliance Training, Ethics Hotlines, and Employee Reporting.

Harassment and Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues Prohibited by Title VII
U.S. Supreme Court now has ruled that federal protection against sex discrimination in the workplace includes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and transgender status.
It’s Time for Change!
Like everyone in America – even around the world – we at Syntrio have been humbled by recent protests regarding racial injustice and inequality.
COVID-19 and Back-to-Work Resources
The federal government and each state is providing guidance about how businesses and consumers can re-enter public life more safely, given that any level of interactions can still create some risk of transmitting the COVID-19 virus.
“And the Hits Just Keep on Coming”
An apt expression for the US Department of Justice’s release on June 1 of its (again) updated Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs publication.
Employment Discrimination: A Major Problem in Need of a Training Solution
Employers continue to make improper employment decisions on the basis of race, sex, religion and other protected classes.
The Risk of COVID-19 Related Fraud
A poor culture often goes hand in hand with ethical misconduct.
Discrimination Considerations Following COVID-19 Reopening
This article will address in more depth the equal employment opportunity (“EEO”) issues you must consider when determining which employees to bring back after furlough or layoff and which employees may present challenges should the need arise to have another reduction in workforce in the immediate future.
5 Ways to Avoid Phishing Scams While Working from Home
What are the biggest weaknesses in home-office security and what steps can employers and employees take to avoid phishing attempts and cyberattacks.
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