Harassment Training Requirements in the United States and U.S. Territories
Compliance is key when it comes to preventing harassment in the workplace. Stay up-to-date with the latest laws and recommendations to foster a safe and inclusive work environment.
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Discovering Which States Mandate Anti-Harassment Training is No Longer a Mystery.
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State-Mandated Training Requirements: California
Since 2006, California has had some of the most comprehensive harassment training requirements in the United States. In 2015, California amended its law to require training on the prevention of abusive conduct in the workplace. In 2016 the state began requiring training on the illegality of harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Following a trend in harassment training legislation, in 2019 California expanded the coverage of its law to require all employees (supervisory or not) to receive training on the prevention of workplace harassment.
What type of organization must provide training? | California’s harassment training law applies to all public and private organizations operating within the state. |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? | Employers with five or more employees must provide training on the prevention of workplace harassment and abusive conduct. Independent contractors, seasonal employees, interns, part-time and temporary employees count toward the five-employee requirement. |
How frequently must training be conducted? | All employees must receive training at least once every two years under California law. |
How soon must training be conducted? | Training must be completed within six months of assuming a position or within 30 calendar days if the employee is temporary or seasonal. Training must be provided to all non-supervisory employees by January 1, 2021, unless training was conducted in 2019, in which case training must be provided within two years after initial training. |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? |
What is the minimum duration of training? | California requires supervisory employee training programs to be at least two hours in duration; California requires non-supervisory employees to receive at least one hour of training. |
What records must be kept following training? |
California requires the following training records to be kept for at least two years:
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? | The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (“DFEH”) can order noncompliant employers to conduct training as a matter of law. |
What are the mandatory content requirements under California law? |
Training must include the following elements:
Are there any additional training elements required by California law? | California also requires a qualified “trainer” to be available to answer questions on training content within 48 hours. Trainers must maintain a copy of all questions received (and answers provided) for a period of two years. |
Are there any policy or posting requirements under California law? |
Yes, California requires the following of employers in the state:
State-Mandated Training Requirements: Connecticut
Since the early 1990s, Connecticut has required most managers working in the state to receive sexual harassment prevention training. In 2019, Connecticut revised its law to require nearly all employees (including non-manager staff) working within the state to be trained on this topic.
What type of organization must provide training? | All public and private organizations with employees working in Connecticut must provide training. |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? |
How frequently must training be conducted? |
How soon must training be conducted? | The training must be conducted within six months of beginning employment. Training must be provided by January 1, 2021. |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? | Connecticut law requires employees and supervisors to receive training. |
What is the minimum duration of training? | Connecticut requires training to be at least two hours long. |
What records must be kept following training? |
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? |
What are the mandatory content requirements under Connecticut law? |
Training must be interactive and must include the following elements:
Are there any additional training elements required by Connecticut law? |
The Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) has also recommended the following elements be included in training:
The CHRO has also stated that learners must be able to ask questions about the training and receive answers “within a reasonable time period.” |
Are there any policy or posting requirements under Connecticut law? | Yes, Connecticut requires employers to post “in a prominent location” and make available by email to employees a copy of information concerning the illegality of sexual harassment and remedies available to victims of sexual harassment. |
State-Mandated Training Requirements: Delaware
In 2019, Delaware enacted legislation requiring nearly all employees working within the state to receive training on the prevention of sexual harassment. Delaware’s law was enacted during a wave of changes to harassment legislation across the country.
What type of organization must provide training? | All public and private employers must provide training. |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? | The law applies to those employers with 50 or more employees in the State of Delaware. The 50-employee count excludes applicants, independent contractors and those employed less than six months continuously in a calendar year. |
How frequently must training be conducted? |
How soon must training be conducted? |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? |
What is the minimum duration of training? | Delaware does not have a minimum training time requirement. |
What records must be kept following training? |
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? | The Delaware law is silent as to penalties for non-compliance. |
What are the mandatory content requirements under Delaware law? |
Are there any additional training elements required by Delaware law? | The Delaware Department of Labor has stated that employees who spend any time working in Delaware during the year must receive harassment training under the Delaware law. |
Are there any policy or posting requirements under Delaware law? | Employees must be provided an information sheet created by the Delaware Department of Labor upon beginning employment. |
State-Mandated Training Requirements: Illinois
In 2019 Illinois joined the growing list of states that require employers operating within the state to provide employees with sexual harassment prevention training. Illinois recognized the specific problems stemming from the restaurant and bar industry and became the first state to require all employees working within those industries to take specific training on the issues that can occur while working in a restaurant or bar.
What type of organization must provide training? | All public and private organizations must provide training to their entire workforce. |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? | Any organization with one or more employees must provide sexual harassment prevention training. |
How frequently must training be conducted? | Under Illinois law, training must be conducted annually. |
How soon must training be conducted? | Although early versions of the law would have required employees to receive training within six months of commencement of employment, the Illinois Department of Human Rights (“IDHR”) later said training must be conducted “as soon as possible” after hire. |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? |
What is the minimum duration of training? | Illinois has not set a minimum time requirement for its training programs. |
What records must be kept following training? |
Employers must keep records of all training including:
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? | Failure to train is a violation of the Illinois Human Rights Act and is punishable in increasing fines up to $5,000 per violation. |
What are the mandatory content requirements under Illinois law? |
Illinois employers are required to provide training containing (at a minimum) the following elements:
Are there any additional training elements required by Illinois law? | For those employers in the restaurant and bar industry, a special program must be provided that uses examples and terminology aimed at the restaurant and bar industry. |
Are there any policy or posting requirements under Illinois law? |
Syntrio can help your organization comply with the ever-changing sexual harassment training landscape.
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Municipal Training Requirements: Chicago
On July 1, 2022, a Chicago Municipal Ordinance went into effect, strengthening training requirements for employers operating within the City. Chicago’s ordinance makes it the second major city to require enhanced training requirements over and above what is required under state law.
What type of organization must provide training? | All public and private organizations licensed to do business in Chicago (or with a work location in the City). |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? | There is no minimum number of employees. |
How frequently must training be conducted? | Under Ordinance 2022-665, all required training must be provided annually. |
How soon must training be conducted? | The Ordinance went into effect on July 1, 2022, and the first round of training must be completed by June 30, 2023, and every June 30 thereafter. |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? | The Ordinance applies to all employees, as well as non-employee individuals working for the organization at a Chicago site (or remotely in Chicago), including gig employees, contractors, and interns. |
What is the minimum duration of training? | Chicago has set a minimum of two hours of harassment training for managers and supervisors and one hour of harassment training for non-supervisory employees. Under the law, both categories must take an additional one hour of bystander training annually. |
What records must be kept following training? | Employers are required to retain written records of compliance with the training component and record of the distribution of written policies to employees for “the longer of five years or the duration of any claim, civil action, or investigation.” |
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? | Along with other legal remedies (damages, injunctive relief, attorney fees) stemming from the complaint, the City has increased the monetary penalty for non-compliance with the Ordinance from $500-1000 per violation to $5,000-$10,000 (Paid to the City). |
Are there any additional training elements required by the Chicago Ordinance? | The training must include the enhanced definitions of sexual harassment (including sexual violence and misconduct). |
Are there any policy or posting requirements under the Chicago Ordinance? |
Similar to many other states and municipalities, as of July 1, 2022, Chicago employers must have a written policy prohibiting sexual harassment. The policy requirement has many of the familiar elements to those with employees working elsewhere. Specifically, the written policy must contain: |
Additionally, the written policy must be available in the employee’s primary language within the first week of starting employment, and a poster advising on the prohibition on sexual harassment must be displayed where all employees can see it. |
State-Mandated Training Requirements: Maine
In 1991, Maine enacted legislation requiring many employers to provide training to all employees regarding the illegality of sexual harassment. Maine was the first state to require all of its employees to be trained on this important topic and was well ahead of others. Maine’s law has been viewed as a model for many of the statutes that have been enacted in subsequent years.
What type of organization must provide training? | All public and private employers must provide training under Maine law. |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? | Under Maine law, employers with 15 or more employees must provide training. |
How frequently must training be conducted? | Maine does not have a re-training requirement. |
How soon must training be conducted? |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? | The Maine law does not specify what individuals working for an organization other than “employees” must receive the training. |
What is the minimum duration of training? | Maine does not have a minimum duration for sexual harassment training under its law. |
What records must be kept following training? |
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? |
Under Maine law, the Maine Department of Labor can assess fines for noncompliance with the training law. The fine schedule is as follows:
What are the mandatory content requirements under Maine law? |
Maine requires employers to provide annual individual written notice to employees including a description of sexual harassment and the protections against it. The written notice must contain the information:
Are there any additional training elements required by Maine law? |
There are no additional training requirements under Maine law. |
Are there any policy or posting requirements under Maine law? |
Maine requires employers to provide annual individual written notice to employees including a description of sexual harassment and the protections against it. The written notice must contain the information enumerated in question 9 (“What are the mandatory content requirements under Maine law?) in this section. Maine also requires all employers to post in a “prominent and accessible location in the workplace” a document (that does not exceed sixth-grade literacy standards) including the following elements:
State-Mandated Training Requirements: New York
In 2018, New York State and New York City passed separate laws requiring sexual harassment prevention training. This change was the catalyst for wholesale changes to existing training laws, as well as the impetus for a new set of legislation in multiple states.
What type of organization must provide training? | All types of organizations are subject to the New York State and City laws and must provide training. |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? |
The New York State law does not set a minimum number of employees but under the New York City law any employer with 15 or more employees is subject to the training requirement. Because the State law supersedes the City law, all New York employees must receive training. |
How frequently must training be conducted? | Training must be conducted on an annual basis. |
How soon must training be conducted? | Training must be conducted as soon as possible after commencement of employment. |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? |
What is the minimum duration of training? | No minimum time requirement exists under New York State or City law. |
What records must be kept following training? |
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? | Monetary fines begin at $100 and increase from there. |
What are the mandatory content requirements under New York law? |
Training must be interactive. Training must contain:
Are there any additional training elements required by New York law? | When training is web-based, employees must be able to submit a question and receive an answer in a “timely manner.” |
Are there any policy or posting requirements under New York law? |
State-Mandated Training Requirements: U.S. Virgin Islands
Since 2006, the U.S. Virgin Islands (“USVI”) has had law requiring most employers operating within the territory to provide training on the prevention of sexual harassment to all new employees. The requirement is unique to U.S. territories and is largely unknown to employers operating in the continental United States. Syntrio’s multi-state harassment training meets this jurisdiction’s training requirements.
What type of organization must provide training? | All public and private organizations within the U.S. Virgin Islands are covered by the law. |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? | The law applies to employers with five or more employees. |
How frequently must training be conducted? | The USVI law contains no re-training requirement. |
How soon must training be conducted? | Training must be conducted within one year of commencement of employment. |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? |
What is the minimum duration of training? | The USVI law is silent on the minimum duration of training required. |
What records must be kept following training? | The law only requires record of the employer harassment policy. It is silent on training recordkeeping requirements |
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? | Failing to conduct training can result in an order requiring an employer to do so. |
What are the mandatory content requirements under USVI law? |
The following content must be included under the law:
Are there any additional training elements required by USVI law? | Managers and supervisors must receive specific training on the appropriate methods they should take to ensure appropriate and corrective action in addressing harassment complaints. |
Are there any policy or posting requirements under USVI law? |
State-Mandated Training Requirements: U.S. Washington, D.C.
In 2018, Washington, D.C. enacted a law that requires employers employing individuals who receive tips to be trained bi-annually on the prevention of sexual harassment. At a minimum, the training that employees receive must be administered by a provider approved by the D.C. Office of Human Rights (OHR).
What type of organization must provide training? | Any organization employing individuals who receive tips must provide training. |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? | There is no minimum threshold of tipped employees under D.C. law. |
How frequently must training be conducted? |
How soon must training be conducted? | Training must be conducted within 90 days of hire. |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? | All managers, supervisors, and employees of organizations where employees receive tips. |
What is the minimum duration of training? | There is no minimum duration of training under the Washington D.C. law. |
What records must be kept following training? | Employers are required to submit certification to the D.C. Office of Human Rights (“OHR”) that training is complete within 30 business days after the training occurs. |
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? | Penalties for failing to conduct training are unclear under the D.C. law. |
What are the mandatory content requirements under Washington, D.C. law? |
– How to respond to, intervene in and prevent sexual harassment by coworkers, management and patrons. |
State-Mandated Training Requirements: U.S. Washington State
In 2019, Washington State enacted a law that requires employers in some industries to provide sexual harassment training to their employees. This law was enacted in response to a wave of incidents where certain employees work in isolated environments. The Washington State training requirements differ from those of other states; Syntrio currently is developing a course to address these requirements.
What type of organization must provide training? |
What is the minimum number of employees for training to be required? | The law applies to all employers in covered industries with one or more employees. |
How frequently must training be conducted? |
How soon must training be conducted? |
What segments of the workforce must receive training? |
What is the minimum duration of training? | There is no minimum time duration of Washington sexual harassment training. |
What records must be kept following training? |
What are potential penalties for failing to conduct training? | The law does not specify the penalty (if any) for failing to comply with the training obligation. |
What are the mandatory content requirements under Washington law? |
Washington law requires covered employers to provide training to employees, including the following key elements:
Are there any additional training elements required by Washington law? | There are no additional training elements required at this time. |
Are there any policy or posting requirements under Washington law? |
Don’t leave compliance to chance.
Access Syntrio’s “Harassment Training Requirements in the United States and U.S. Territories” brochure today and ensure your organization meets its obligations while promoting a culture of respect and equality.

Recommended Training States
In addition to the states that have enacted mandatory training laws, several other states have issued official recommendations that training occur. While these recommendations do not create an obligation to employers to comply, they do create the expectation that employers should pay attention to the topic for both organizational liability and cultural reasons, given the importance that state legislatures or human rights agencies have placed on preventing sexual harassment.
The following are a list of states with official training recommendations and brief information about each recommendation:
The Colorado Code of Regulations encourages all employers to take all preventive actions against discrimination (including harassment) by conducting training to inform individuals of what harassment is and how to take steps to prevent it and raise concerns.
The Hawaii Administrative Rules state that prevention is the best tool for elimination of harassment. Hawaii encourages its employers to affirmatively raise the subject and “inform employees of the right to raise the issue of sexual harassment and take any other steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring.”
The Maryland Commission on Civil Rights stated it will favorably consider steps employers take to prevent sexual harassment, including training staff to recognize and avoid sexual harassment.
The Massachusetts Fair Employment Practices Act explicitly states that employers are encouraged to conduct a training and education program for new employees within one year of employment, which includes, at a minimum, a description of conduct that constitutes harassment and methods of prevention.
New Jersey’s highest court has held that employers who conduct training can be absolved of liability for certain acts of harassment. In 2020, New Jersey proposed legislation that would require all employers operating in the state to conduct sexual harassment training.
The Ohio Administrative Code states prevention is the best tool for the elimination of sexual harassment. It advises employers to take steps necessary to prevent harassment from occurring and suggests informing employees of their right to raise the issue and how to raise harassment.
Rhode Island’s anti-discrimination statute states that employers are encouraged to conduct a training and education program for new employees within one year of employment, which includes, at a minimum, a description of conduct that constitutes harassment and methods of prevention.
Vermont’s anti-discrimination statute states that employers are encouraged to conduct a training and education program for new employees within one year of employment, which includes, at a minimum, a description of conduct that constitutes harassment and methods of prevention.
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Civil Rights Division, has stated that managers should respond to harassment concerns by providing training to educate employees on the issue of harassment and periodically remind them of the employer’s desire to maintain a harassment-free workplace.
Syntrio’s multi-state harassment training courses exceed recommendations set forth by all states that have officially commented on the issue. The courses are designed to provide employers with the flexibility 24 to exceed the training needs in all states that have issued a recommendation (but not a requirement).
States with Public Sector Training Requirements
The following states require some or all public-sector employees to receive sexual harassment prevention training:
Florida requires all supervisors in executive branch agencies to take harassment prevention training.
Iowa’s governor mandated by executive order that directors of each department in a state agency take harassment prevention training.
Nevada requires all state employees to take a harassment prevention course.
New Mexico requires by law all public primary and secondary education providers to provide sexual harassment training to employees at the time of hire.
North Carolina requires employees of state agencies operating within the state to take a one-time harassment prevention course.
Oklahoma requires by statute that all state employees receive training on the elimination of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Pennsylvania requires all employees of a state agency to take a harassment prevention course.
Tennessee requires all public employees to receive education on the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace
Texas requires all public employees to receive education on the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Utah’s administrative code provides for mandatory harassment prevention training for all state employees.
While sexual harassment training is not legally required in the following states, it is highly recommended by the EEOC to promote a safe and inclusive workplace environment for all employees.
Syntrio’s multi-state harassment training courses exceed recommendations set forth by all states that have officially commented on the issue. The courses are designed to provide employers with the flexibility 24 to exceed the training needs in all states that have issued a recommendation (but not a requirement).
Syntrio can help your organization comply with the ever-changing sexual harassment training landscape.
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