Syntrio FlexCode
Your Organization is Unique. Why Isn’t Your Code of Conduct Training?
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6,500+ Organizations Trust Syntrio – You Can Too!

Experience Fresh New Code of Conduct Training Each Year
Promoting a solid culture that leads to better results is not a check box exercise but a continuous effort that requires purpose-built solutions, such as Syntrio FlexCode, to engage employees and encourage constant growth and feedback.
Your organization is unique, and your code of conduct is one-of-a-kind. Why isn’t your training? Every organization has a fantastic set of needs. Syntrio combines its experience with over 6,500 organizations to meet you where you are and drive the program and cultural behaviors you desire.
Syntrio FlexCode is highly configurable and allows for a tailored experience without the hassle of building a custom course, enabling you to engage employees and encourage continuous growth and feedback while eliminating the need for a time-consuming annual project.
Contemporary Approach Resonates with Employees
Your organization’s code of conduct is a keystone for driving responsible actions that align with organizational goals and other expectations of proper conduct while minimizing risk. Syntrio’s FlexCode gives HR, ethics, and compliance professionals maximum flexibility in configuring meaningful, behavior-changing code of conduct training, coordinated with your organization’s specific risk areas. In other words, you build your custom code of conduct training based on your key focus areas. Here is an example:

*Image is a sample of what the course video may look like.
Modern, Scalable, and Customizable Structure
FlexCode’s modular, scalable, customizable structure permits you to tailor a course to your specific needs, so the training best resonates with employees and effectively represents your code of conduct. Course modules may also be used as standalone for ongoing microlearning that reinforces key concepts.
Even better, you can leverage more than 100 Syntrio modules along with your own custom content. Your Syntrio Customer Success team will work with you to develop your FlexCode and ensure it includes the right balance of risk areas, including some of the following:
FlexCode Helps You Meet the Highest Standards
Since the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines first articulated the elements of an effective ethics and compliance program, corporate codes of conduct have been the de facto tool for companies setting expectations regarding good conduct. Years later, it is surprising how far this important resource has matured – and equally surprising how many companies have missed the message.
Syntrio FlexCode enables you to meet the highest industry standards with a combination of microlearning courses, ethical snapshots and customized content that can be updated annually.
Creating an effective code of conduct with Syntrio FlexCode enables you to incorporate input from all areas of your organization. It’s a flexible and efficient path to strengthen your culture, improve compliance and drive performance.
Customize And Maintain Your Unique Code Of Conduct

Top 5 Ethics and Code of Conduct Courses
FLEXCODE DEMO This demo is an example of a Syntrio Flexcode. This product uses existing ethics and code of conduct modules and can be configured to match your organization’s Code. Get in touch with your account executive for more information to see if a FLEXCODE could work for your organization.

Ethics and Code of Conduct – scode64
An organization’s standards of conduct and other policies serve important roles in protecting its reputation as a fair employer and responsible citizen. But these standards of conduct only work if everyone in the organization knows, understands, and can apply them in their daily activities. This training covers essential components of the organization’s business practices, including an introduction to business ethics; conflicts of interest; gifts, hospitality, and entertainment; handling of non-public information; data privacy; use of business resources; maintaining a civil and respectful workplace; and the importance of speaking up about concerns.

Ethics and Code of Conduct – scomp160
Ethics is about doing the “right” thing. In a business setting, ethics also involves ensuring that company values are shared and upheld by all members of the organization. This course introduces the concept of business ethics and highlights the company code of ethics and/or business conduct. Learners apply “the code” to a series of ethical issues common in the workplace. This course also discusses responsibilities, procedures, and “whistleblower” protections associated with reporting ethics and/or legal violations.

Ethics and Code of Conduct for Government Contractors
Business ethics involves educating and aligning the actions of individuals with relevant laws and the preferred values of the organization. This course discusses the many benefits of promoting business ethics as well as the legal requirements of government contractors with respect to ethics and compliance. It highlights the organization’s Code of Ethics and/or Business Conduct. It asks learners to apply the Code to a series of hypothetical scenarios in which ethical issues may arise in the workplace. It also discusses responsibilities, procedures, and “whistleblower” protections associated with reporting ethics and/or legal violations.

Ethics and Code of Conduct for Colleges and Universities
This course will introduce you to the Colleges Code of Conduct and challenge you to apply the Code to a few scenarios. The purpose is to provide an overview of the Colleges expectations of its Members and representatives. The College expects its Members and their representatives to adhere to the highest ethical standards, including honesty, integrity, respect for others, fair dealing, diligence, and prudence and accounility in the use of the Colleges resources. If you have questions or discover gaps or inconsistencies in policy and application, please share your observation with your supervisor.