Employment Law and Harassment Training
Promote an Affirmative Workplace Culture with Harassment and Discrimination Training.
Syntrio’s vibrant new employment law training courses fully comply with mandatory harassment training requirements in all states and municipalities that have enacted legislation.
Preview the U.S. Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Training Course
6,500+ Organizations Trust Syntrio – You Can Too!

NEW RELEASE – Syntrio’s U.S. Workplace Harassment Training
Workplace harassment remains the greatest legal risk to companies today. The best way to protect your organization from costly lawsuits and reputational damage is to train all managers and employees with modern, engaging, and legally compliant training that uses behavior-modeling techniques and emphasizes your company policies.
Syntrio’s vibrant new employment law training courses fully comply with mandatory harassment training requirements in all states and municipalities that have enacted legislation.
- Experienced: Developing workplace harassment training since 2002.
- Compliant: Complies with all relevant U.S. regulatory requirements, including abusive conduct and updates; a course timer ensures learners meet the minimum training time
- Engaging: Engages learners with short, live-action stories and practical exercises.
- Comprehensive: Addresses all required topics plus contemporary issues – workplace relationships, bystander intervention, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Flexibility: Versions for managers (2 hrs) and non-managers (1 hr); other versions that incorporate U.S. state training for easier deployment for multi-state businesses.
- Industries: Six industry verticals, including office/general, healthcare, industrial, hospitality, retail, and higher education.
Course Version | |
Learner Selection |
Multi-State |
State Specific |
Non-Required States |
Microlearning Modules |
Industry |
The following states have special requirements for training their citizens, and Syntrio has crafted training programs to meet each state’s requirements:
What is Employment Law?
Employment law is a body of statutes and regulations that govern the relationship between employers and the people they employ. Across the globe, various laws protect people from discrimination, ensure employers comply with wage and hour laws, and provide an anti-harassment and generally positive and productive working environment.
In the United States, employers are mainly concerned with a series of federal and state discrimination and harassment laws. These legislative measures help define discrimination in the workplace, harassment in the workplace, and what characteristics or categories are protected from discrimination. Additionally, the regulations implementing anti-discrimination laws and anti-harassment laws provide employees with guidance on how to report discrimination in the workplace, file a discrimination complaint, and whether harassment training for employees is required.
Is Syntrio’s Employment Law Training Compliant with Harassment Training Requirements in States with Mandatory Harassment Training Laws?
Yes. Syntrio’s employment law training courses are tailored to fully comply with mandatory harassment training for managers and employees laws in all states and municipalities that have enacted legislation. Our library of discrimination and harassment in the workplace courses also exceeds state and municipal regulatory guidance on anti-harassment and anti-discrimination efforts that recommend (but do not require) employment law training. Likewise, Syntrio has developed discrimination, and harassment courses for local governments, anti-harassment training that meets industry-specific requirements, and updated bullying and workplace harassment training to comply with employment laws enacted or recommended by employment laws in several states and localities.
Will Syntrio’s Employment Law Training Courses Help My Organization Achieve its Goal of Preventing Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace?
Yes. While it is impossible to prevent every individual from filing a discrimination complaint, Syntrio’s courses will educate employees on what laws protect employees from job discrimination and harassment and how to report a sexual harassment incident at work internally. By fleshing out the workforce’s understanding of topics like “what is verbal sexual harassment?” and “what is gender harassment in the workplace?” employees will learn just as much about what is not workplace harassment and discrimination as they will know when and how to file an employment discrimination complaint initially.
Syntrio believes that by giving employees all the information they need and critical internal reporting strategies, your workforce will be most comfortable coming to management or leadership to resolve bullying and harassment in the workplace or any hostile work environment issues before taking additional measures. That said, all state mandatory harassment training requirements require sexual harassment training courses to include information on how to report a claim of sexual harassment or employment discrimination, and Syntrio’s courses indeed include that information but emphasize the employer’s desire to act on the concern before a need for a formal complaint arises.

Meal & Rest Break Training
Understanding the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Wage & Hour Basics
Avoiding Wrongful Termination
Employee Discipline
Employment Discrimination: Maintaining a Fair Workplace
Employment Discrimination: Sex
Employment Discrimination: Race, Color, and National Origin
Employment Discrimination: Religion
Employment Discrimination: Age
Employment Discrimination: Disability
Employment Discrimination: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Creating a Bully-Free Workplace
Festival Time
The Job Interview
Up or Out
Unpleasant News
An Open Position
U.S. Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
Bystander Intervention and Awareness and Sexual Harassment
Bystander Awareness and Intervention for Chicago
Preventing and Addressing Sexual Harassment
Preventing Sexual Harassment
Preventing Workplace Harassment
Workplace Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture
California Preventing Workplace Harassment
Connecticut Sexual Harassment Training for Employees
Delaware Preventing Sexual Harassment
Illinois Preventing Sexual Workplace Harassment
Maine Preventing Sexual Harassment
New York Preventing Sexual Harassment
Campus Aware: Sexual Violence Prevention
Harassment: Ensuring a Respectful Workplace
Preventing Unlawful Harassment for Colleges and Universities
Preventing Unlawful Workplace Harassment for Federal Agencies
Multi-Jurisdiction Preventing Workplace Harassment
Canada Harassment and Violence at Work
U.S. Workplace Harassment - Chicago
Speak Up - Feeling Uncomfortable A/B
Speak Up - Harassment A/B
Speak Up - Health and Safety
Speak Up - Offensive Remark A/B
Speak Up - Something Missing
The Viral Email
Jack and Dani Went Up a Hill
Third-Party Harassment
Making a Complaint
Making a Complaint 2
The Panda
Talking Sports
Unexpected Consequences
An Open Position
Workplace Disrespect?
A Very Important Client
A Very Important Client (B)
A Very Important Client (C)
Social Tony
Too Close for Comfort (A)
Too Close for Comfort (B)
Workplace Harassment
Sexual Harassment
Legal Aspects of Interviewing and Hiring
Rocking the Boat
Managing Substance Abuse in the Workplace
State-Mandated Workplace Harassment Training Laws
Several states have enacted mandatory workplace harassment training laws that require employers to provide sexual harassment training to every single employee every year. Click on each state below to learn more about Syntrio’s sexual harassment training products, which are dedicated to exceeding compliance with mandatory workplace training laws in each state.
From the first state to require mandatory workplace harassment training and Sexual harassment prevention(Maine) to the most comprehensive employee-centric laws preventing workplace harassment (California), you will also learn about the requirements in that particular jurisdiction.
- California Sexual Harassment Training Requirements
- Connecticut Sexual Harassment Training Requirements
- Delaware Sexual Harassment Training Requirements
- Illinois Sexual Harassment Training Requirements
- Maine Human Rights and Sexual Harassment Training Requirements
- New York Sexual Harassment Training Requirements
- Washington State Workplace Violence and Sexual Harassment Training Requirements
Click here for an interactive map providing further information on states with mandatory sexual harassment training requirements.
Top Workplace Harassment Training Courses
U.S. Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
This series builds upon the success of our popular harassment and discrimination curriculum. Recent updates provide a positive approach to workplace harassment and discrimination concerns, reinforce a healthy workplace culture around respectful conduct and address changing laws and regulations, including state training requirements and case law.
The series incorporates cinematic-style video scenarios and learner guidance with a course host. Training options suit various needs; an enhanced learning approach distinguishes these courses. Versions are available for language (English, Latin American Spanish), state and manager/non-manager requirements, and industry vertical configurations.

Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture
Harassment and bullying threaten a respectful workplace, including the effect on targeted individuals, coworkers, the work environment, and the organization. This course introduces quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile environment harassment, and workplace bullying and harassment. It provides instruction on ways individuals can help prevent sexual harassment and workplace bullying in the workplace. It also includes information on how to respond to misconduct if it occurs. The course also addresses retaliation against individuals who report improper conduct or assist in an investigation.

Harassment: Ensuring a Respectful Workplace
Our collective understanding of harassment now goes way beyond just sexual harassment; it also includes harassment based on personal characteristics and bullying. In any form, harassment prevents employees and organizations from doing their best. Here, learners understand that all employees are responsible for addressing harassing behavior, be it verbal or non-verbal, whether as a victim or witness.

Canada Harassment and Violence at Work
This training explains what constitutes workplace harassment and workplace violence as defined in Ontario Bill 168 and other applicable Canadian provincial legislation. It provides distinctions between general workplace harassment and workplace sexual harassment, including that which involves an abuse of power. It also addresses requirements for reporting harassment and violence and avoiding reprisals against individuals who raise concerns.

Speak Up! Doing Right by Raising Concerns
A solid ethical culture requires that all staff are comfortable with raising concerns and managers are skilled in effectively receiving and responding to these concerns. This employee foundation two-module course covers the importance of a “speak up” workplace culture where everyone is committed and encouraged to raise concerns about questionable conduct, including workplace harassment and discrimination. It also addresses how learners can effectively speak up to increase the chances for an employment law concern to be understood by management and leadership.

Bystander Intervention
This course teaches safe and positive actions a person or a group of people may take as bystanders to prevent harm or intervene where there is a risk or perceived risk of sexual harassment to another individual.

Bystander Awareness and Intervention for Chicago
This training for Chicago, Illinois, expands upon the requirements of the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance. It teaches safe and positive actions a person or a group of people may take to prevent harm or intervene where there is a risk or perceived risk of sexual harassment to another.

Employment Discrimination: Maintaining a Fair Workplace
Syntrio’s anti-discrimination employment law training course details the personal characteristics legally protected from employment discrimination, the effects of job discrimination, and how bias and prejudice could lead to unfair workplace practices. This training also presents an overview of US laws related to employment discrimination and reasonable accommodations.

Why Trust Syntrio When Searching for Harassment in the Workplace and Anti-Discrimination Training?
Since the late 1990s, Syntrio has recognized the relationship between harassment in the workplace, employment discrimination, and organizational culture. Throughout the time we have been providing discrimination and harassment training, there have been multiple state anti-harassment laws requiring mandatory sexual harassment prevention training enacted, and Syntrio is always ahead of the curve. Syntrio’s discrimination and harassment in the workplace training courses are designed not just to comply with federal and state employment laws requiring mandatory sexual harassment training but also to have a distinctly positive impact on organizational culture.
How Does Syntrio’s Approach to Harassment Prevention Training Differ from other Anti-Harassment Training Available in the Market?
Syntrio believes that employees should be empowered to speak up about their concerns and know how to report discrimination in the workplace. When employers educate their leadership on how to listen up to problems and help employees understand what to do when they have a concern or lack of understanding about what constitutes illegal behavior like discrimination in the workplace, leaders and managers should be able to not just comply with employment laws, but also take action to stop the potentially illegal behavior immediately.
Syntrio’s approach to conducting anti-harassment training sets it apart from the competition in that it is developed not only for compliance with mandatory harassment and discrimination training law but also is created with an approach toward developing harassment training for employees that will better their understanding of anti-harassment and anti-discrimination laws and regulations and also allow them to take away lessons that can be used outside the office. In recent years, more employers (both in the United States and elsewhere) have been operating in jurisdictions that have enacted mandatory sexual harassment training laws. For this reason (and many others), Syntrio’s industry-leading discrimination and harassment in the workplace training courses are trusted by over 6,000 organizations worldwide.
How Does Syntrio Source Information for Its Employment Law Training Courses?
Syntrio’s anti-harassment, anti-discrimination, and other employment law training materials incorporate guidance from leading industry experts who have dedicated their careers to providing discrimination and harassment in the workplace training and constantly monitor changes to and developments in employment laws at the federal level, in all 50 states, and across the globe. Syntrio’s experts also communicate with and incorporate guidance from agencies that enforce anti-discrimination and anti-harassment laws, such as the EEOC and state fair employment agencies.
Syntrio is a trusted news source on employment law and developments in mandatory harassment and discrimination training.
What Information Do Syntrio’s Harassment Prevention Training and Discrimination Prevention Training Courses Contain above what Mandatory Training Laws require?
Syntrio’s anti-harassment and employment discrimination courses include diverse employment law topics beyond what is required for compliance with mandatory training laws. Among the key areas, Syntrio’s discrimination and harassment training courses emphasize include elements aimed at improving workplace culture, such as empowering the workforce to speak up about their concerns and have management and leadership listen up when an initial complaint of discrimination is received.
Additional steps Syntrio has taken to ensure its harassment in the workplace training courses resonate with the learner include increased attention on diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as workplace civility elements, elimination of workplace bullying training, and a focus on issues facing not just the modern workforce, but those that will emerge in the coming months (Syntrio’s harassment and discrimination courses are updated regularly) and beyond.
Designed and Developed by Our Trusted Employment Law Attorneys and Instructional Designers for Nearly Two Decades.
Our courses are ahead of changing laws and regulations to ensure you always meet all federal recommendations and state requirements.
There’s always more to explore at Syntrio. Our vast employment law library includes additional instruction on workplace harassment and discrimination, bystander awareness and intervention, civility and respect, conflict resolution, diversity, equity and inclusion, and workplace relationships. Contact your Syntrio specialist to learn more.
Preview the U.S. Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Training Course
What Options are Available for Syntrio’s Employment Law Training Courses?
Options to customize Syntrio’s discrimination and harassment in the workplace training courses are available to suit various needs. Employment law course versions are available for several languages; to comply with mandatory training requirements in multiple state(s), in Canada, and beyond. Workplace harassment training courses are available to meet mandatory training requirements for managers and non-manager employees. Additionally, specific versions of Syntrio’s sexual harassment prevention training have been created for the Industries We Serve including; Healthcare Solutions, Higher Education Solutions, Hospitality Solutions, Manufacturing Solutions, Retail Solutions, and Financial Solutions.
Of course, the options for creating an employment law training program for employees do not end here. Syntrio has a vast library of communications tools and training courses covering nearly every employment law topic and is also prepared to help your organization deliver train-the-trainer programs, live employment law and sexual harassment prevention training worships, and any other conceivable program combination. We strongly encourage you to contact a member of our staff today to discuss not only discrimination and harassment training options but how we can create a full-scale program of employment law training centered on workplace respect and workplace culture improvement.