SYNTRIO COURSE LIBRARY – Persuasive Speaking Training Courses
Leading and Motivating with
Persuasive Speaking
Try Syntrio Business Skills Development Courses
How can you grow and rally a supportive audience to promote and accomplish a mission or project?
It can be difficult to get everyone’s buy-in and enthusiasm while communicating clear and attainable goals and each person’s role in attaining them.
Without a well-prepared plan and convincing presentation, even the best ideas may not take hold and grow.
Inspire and motivate your audience to understand the problem you describe and implement the solution you present.
Use persuasive speaking with a workforce to communicate common
goals and how to reach them, or to identify common problems and
explain how best to work together to solve them.

Authentic, Influential Leadership
The Challenges of Leadership
Leadership Principles
Leadership Values In Action
An Introduction to Effective Leadership
Leaders Learning: How Not to Manage
Leaders Working with Leaders: Building Your Team
Understanding Power, Influence, and Leadership
What Every Leader Needs
What Makes a Leader?
Dealing with Anger and Emotions: Quick Tips
The Basics of Emotional Intelligence
Budgeting: How to Budget Expenses
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Toolbox Series
- Becoming Socially Aware
- How to Be More Self-Aware
- How to Express Empathy
- Managing Your Relationships
Goal Setting in the Workplace
Critical Thinking: Asking Effective Questions
Six-Step Process to Problem-Solving
Strategic Planning: A Definition
Control Your Workday: 9 Good Time Management Tips
Handling Stress
How to Manage Your Time Effectively
It’s About Time
Managing Information Overload
The Time of Your Life
Understanding Stress
Workplace Life Jacket Series
- 7 Tips to Improve Your Work-Life Balance
- Tips to Increase Productivity
- 8 Tips to Control Your Email
- Time to Remain Sane
- Tips for an Organized Workspace
Accountability Series
- What is Accountability?
- Ask Better Questions – Get Better Answers
- 3-Step Formula to Setting Clear Expectations
- The Secret to Help Your Team Get Better- Faster
- 4 Barriers to Building a Culture of Accountability
- Turn Your Team into Problem Solvers
Effective Delegation Skills
Tips for Effective Delegation
Meeting the Delegation Challenge
Back to the Workplace Series
- Welcome Back
- A Moment of Gratitude
- Return to the Workplace
- A New Way of Working
- Keeping Our Culture Strong
Change Management Series
- An Introduction
- The Phases of Change
- Preparing for Change
- Working Through the Change
- Analysis
- Creating Employee Excitement
- Making the Announcement
- After the Announcement
Working Remotely Series
- Communications for Remote Workers
- Hiring Remote Employees
- Introduction to. Working. Remotely
- Work Habits for Remote Employees
- Supervising Remote Employees
- Connecting with Remote Employees
- Onboarding Remote Employees
- Developing Remote Employees
- Introduction to Managing Remote Employees
Leader’s Toolbox: The Change Environment
A Coach’s Guide to Embracing Leadership Styles
A Coach’s Guide to Feedback
Adapting Your Coaching Style
An Introduction to Coaching
Coaching with a Process
Leading a High-Performance Team
Managing Conflict: A Collaborative Approach
Mentoring: The What and the Why
What Every Mentor Needs
Going from Coworker to Boss
A Manager’s Core Skills
A Manager’s Many Roles
Manager’s Toolbox Series
- Employee Termination Checklist
- Battling a Toxic Environment
- Background Checks
- Building an Engaged Team
- Understanding Employee Privacy
- Time Management and Your Team
- The Power of Positive Language
- Modeling Engagement Behaviors
- Building an Engaged Organization
- Interviewing Checklist
Conducting a Performance Review with a Poor Performer
Effective Performance Reviews: Self-Assessment
Manager’s Guide to Employee Performance Improvement
Maximizing Employee Performance
Performance Gap Series
- Solve Performance Gaps: When They Won’t Do It
- A Diagram for Success: Find the Right Solution to Improve Performance
- Got Gaps? Discover the Real Reason for Performance Gaps
- Undercover What You Don’t Know About Your Team’s Performance Gaps
- Setting Clear Expectations: What You Say & What They Hear
- Solve Performance Gaps: When They Can’t Do It
- Performance Reviews: 7 Steps to Prepare
Retaining Distressed Employees
The Secret to Employee Motivation
The Why Behind Poor Performance
Workplace Series Series
- Welcome Back
- A Moment of Gratitude
- Return to the Workplace
- A New Way of Working
- Keeping Our Culture Strong
Handling Conflict: An Employees’ Guide
Introduction to Negotiation
Manage Yourself in the Midst of Conflict
Managing Conflict in Special Circumstances
Lose the Meeting Blues
Managing Conflict Step by Step
Styles of Negotiation
Negotiation: Your Road to Success
Participating in a High-Performance Team
The Truth About Conflict
Are You Really Listening?
Create Your Own Memory Hooks
Foundations of Assertive Communication
Generational Differences
How to Be Assertive – Not Aggressive
Making Your Point
Powerful Listening Skills
Interpersonal Communication Skills
The Art of Nonverbal Communication
The Secret to Effective Communication
Vocabulary Retention Tips and Tricks
Your Body is Talking: What Is It Saying?
Grammar Guide Series
- Abbreviations
- Common Error
- Parentheses
- Adjectives
- End Punctuation
- Personal Pronouns
- Active & Passive Verbs
- Indefinite Pronouns
- Plural Nouns
- Adverbs
- Interrogative Pronouns
- Quotation Marks
- Apostrophes
- Irregular Verbs
- Regular Verbs
- Colons & Semicolons
- Misused Words
- Sentence & Paragraphs
- Commas
The Effective Business Writer
Write Effective and Appropriate Emails
Effective Use of Email in the Workplace
Persuasive Speaking
Preparing for Persuasive Speaking
Writing a Persuasive Presentation
Delivering a Persuasive Message
1:1 Customer Service Success
A Customer Complains: Now What?
Delivering a Powerful Customer Experience
Turning Around an Angry Customer
Effective Business Proposals
Sell for Success: What You Need to Know About Selling
Sales Series
- Attitude is Everything
- Qualifying Prospects
- Set Goals and Manage Time
- Boost Your Selling Power
- Create Sales Proposals
- Tips for Successful Sales
- Overcoming Objections
Introducing Syntrio’s
Persuasive Speaking Series | Training
Help your employees, particularly your leaders, gain skills and confidence to present their ideas
in a way that increases buy-in and builds a strong coalition.
Learners will understand how to:
• Clarify the reason for a talk, arguments to support it (including data, research, and anecdotes), and the call to action.
• Select a format and structure for the presentation that helps engage the listeners and guide them toward the desired action.
• Examine the importance of researching the audience and venue to tailor the presentation for optimum results.
• Analyze how to use words, body language, and audio/visual presentation aids to amplify and clarify the message and compel the audience to action.

Persuasive Speaking | Foundation | 40 min
This training explores important elements to engage, persuade, or motivate an audience. Speaking persuasively is easier and more effective if you understand the purpose of your presentation, the goals you are trying to reach through it, as well as the goals of the audience. In this course, you will learn how to craft a talk that communicates your message by coupling your words with gestures, inflection, and visuals to make them more effective.

Preparing for Persuasive Speaking | Focus Module 1 | 13 min
This training describes how to prepare for persuasive speaking by determining your talk’s scope, purpose, and format. You must also understand your audience’s demographics, goals, and motivations to tailor your presentation. You must pinpoint your message and its supporting arguments, then deliver it authentically to demonstrate your expertise and credibility and build rapport with the listeners.

Writing a Persuasive Presentation | Focus Module 2 | 14 min
This training explains how to apply order and structure to a persuasive talk using tried-and-true models, including Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. A strong opening, arguments supported by data, relevant anecdotes, and personal stories, a call to action, and a closing must be balanced with brevity. This training details how to increase engagement and buy-in from your audience through techniques supported by research and proven results.

Delivering a Persuasive Message | Focus Module 3 | 14 min
This training provides guidance for delivering your message with an engaging voice and gestures while maintaining good eye contact and convincing body language. It explains how to address performance anxiety and use presentation aids effectively. PowerPoint and other audio/video enhancements can amplify and clarify your message, but if poorly designed, they could confuse and distract your audience and detract from your message. You must adapt your body language and any audio/video support to your venue, so it’s important to confirm and research it early in your preparations.
Combine the above courses with other Syntrio titles for a robust curriculum:
Authentic, Influential Leadership | Successful Negotiation | Sell for Success
The Negotiation Process | Are You Really Listening?
Authentic, Influential Leadership
This course describes time-honored, reality-tested leadership principles and actions based upon valuing people, inspiring them to follow a compelling vision, and leading them by example with integrity. Leaders inspire rather than force, and they respect the skills and dignity of their colleagues.

Successful Negotiation
This training presents the principles for reaching acceptable agreements and improving business relationships. The various negotiation methods presented can help resolve conflicts ranging from interfamily squabbles to international diplomacy. The training focuses on four principles: people, interests, criteria, and options. Essential steps in negotiating include preparation and planning, definition and ground rules, clarification and justification, bargaining and problem-solving, and closure and implementation.

Sell for Success
This course explores the steps and techniques within each step to become a successful salesperson in any sales setting.

The Negotiation Process
This training explains how active listening, establishing a BATNA, and controlling the flow of information can help you achieve more successful results during negotiations.

Are You Really Listening?
Effective listening is a significant part of the communication process. Communication cannot take place until and unless a message is heard and retained thoroughly and positively by the recipient. Developing effective listening skills helps to improve productivity and interpersonal relationship at work. In this course, you will learn how to improve your listening, listen to others while remaining empathic and non-judgmental, and follow a speaker’s points. You also will learn how to overcome your listening blocks and respond appropriately to others.

Syntrio Training Features
Modular: Foundation courses are comprised of modules; most topics include microlearning versions.
Engagement Focused: Training garners learners’ attention and interest through interactive functionality and multimedia-rich and contemporary visual design.
Learning-Centric: Learning centers around concepts and principles; use situation-based, experiential learning approaches; balances risk-based and affirmative context; and promotes greater learner competencies.
Dynamic Construction: Courses are built in HTML5 responsive design for desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Accessibility compliant (US 508 and WCAG 2 standards). Available in SCORM and AICC configurations